Make Your Garden Magic


Making a good impression is an important thing to do. When it comes to making a good impression at your house the first thing that people see when they arrive is your front garden. If it is in desperate need of a mow, unkempt and full of weeds and dead plants you will probably find that your guests have a bad impression of the place before they have even entered the front door. You need to do something about this situation, and the good news is that it doesn’t need to cost a great deal either. Simple planting and a bit of plan can transform your garden into the kind of paradise that will ensure yours is the envy of all your friends. Here are a few ideas.

Make a feature

Gardens seem so much more unique if there’s a feature in their midst. A feature could be anything from an archway to a fountain or a rockery. If a meandering pebble pathway is a possibility that could do the trick as well. An online search for a phrase like ‘landscaping Melbourne’ will show you who supplies these things. You can probably order online as well which means that delivery is taken care of and all that is left for you to do is make the feature itself. Remember not to overdo things on the feature front, too many features in the same place just compete with each other for attention and nothing ends up as a feature.

Plant trees

Trees and phenomenal things, which, following on from the above, could actually end up being features in a garden. Trees provide shade and shelter. Once established they don’t need to be watered. They provide mulch for the soil, habitat for birds and animals, boughs for swings and shade for a bench or table. They add height to your design, and they are good for the world. Plant them.

Water smartly

Gardens need water and keeping a fresh flow of this for your plants can be both costly and time consuming. So be smart about it and think about installing something like a grey-water system. This is a system that takes used water from the bath and shower or from the dishwasher or washing machine and which then irrigates the garden. Pumped directly as the water is used it will keep your garden moist and happy. All you need to do is to remember to move the sprinkler.

Less grass is more free-time

Grass that is well maintained looks great, but to get it into tip-top condition can be a real chore. We are talking regular mowing, watering, weeding and fertilizing. And at the end of all that all you have is lawn. A patch or two of grass is great for picnics and chilling, but the truth is, your lawn is probably never going to be big enough for a football game or cricket – those are activities best reserved for the park or sports fields. So, minimise the lawn space and free up your time on eth weekend to do things that are not mowing!